Sundancers Training

Each year, usually in February, training will be conducted for Sundancer volunteers. This page will highlight the training experience with images from the training in 2019.

Sundancer Captains meet for the first time getting ready for Spring Training 2019.

Over 750 men and women volunteer more than 36,000 people/hours during each Cactus League season in Surprise Stadium. The organization is set up in divisions that reflect the work task performed during each game. Those divisions are:
• Wheelchairs
• Information
• Pass Gate/Check-In
• Parking
• Water
• Will Call
• Ushers
• Tickets
• Office
• Programs/Raffle
• Shuttles
• Clubhouse
About 200 people are involved in a typical game day.
Many of the Surprise Sundancers have been involved in the organization for the seventeen years since the stadium opened. The Sundancers provided over 36,000 hours of support for the City of Surprise Sports and Tourism events in a typical Spring Training season. The yearly value of this volunteer activity is calculated to be $ 888,840. This value is estimated by the web site Independent Sector that provides metrics for the nonprofit sector for valuing volunteer services. The hourly metric used for 2019 is $ 24.69 nationally.


Captains Meeting 2019

Sundancer volunteer training was held in February, 2019. Travis Ashby conducted the training and introduced several members of the Board of Directors.

The Sundancer training for the second group started on a cold February morning, but the sun soon warmed up the volunteers. The group learned about the rules and the culture of being a Sundancer. Ashby explained how the "Yellow Shirts" make an impact on the visitors to the stadium and Surprise. With over 750 volunteers these dedicated men and women guide the thousands of Spring Training visitors through where their seats are to what to do in case of an emergency. After going over the handbook the group broke into their task oriented sub-groups and the Captains answered their questions on the 2019 season.

Captains Meeting
Captains Meeting